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Early-stage collection trends in 2022

We asked US consumers across all demographics to share their past-due experiences and preferences in collections. In this ebook, we discuss the results and explore viable solutions that companies can easily implement to meet consumers' expectations regarding the past-due experience.


What you will learn

Since COVID-19 challenged the existing rules about customer relationships and building brands, consumer expectations in collections have changed — for the better. Digital has become more critical than ever before, shaking brand loyalty over a more humane treatment. How has the past-due experience evolved since 2021? Which trends should companies bear in mind as they revisit their collections strategy?

This guide will:

  • Explore our 2022 survey results on US consumers' past-due experiences and preferences
  • Disclose the changes that have occurred since 2022
  • Understand the current expectations for the past-due experience and how companies can respond proportionally

Stay informed!